State of the World expressing myself 🌍🌍🌍

What’s going on everybody throughout the world and beyond. I want to thank anyone who takes the time to check in on this blog from time to time. Whether you agree or disagree with my thoughts is fine. The important thing is continued dialogue and keeping open the lines of communication. Some people are better at communication than others and different people communicate in different ways. I started off writing these blogs after having been put in the position to take a much needed break from social media. For me it was good choice overall. Writing is the original time tested form of media. I’ve said this before that I will always maintain this blog. I know there is a lot of people out there who like to read also, it helps me with my song writing. I know that I should be doing a lot more as far as putting these out in a video format and I will. For now, this is simple to the point and it does the job. Besides the fact that I’m busy I have not been writing up here as much recently is the state of the world. Who wants to have to talk about the horrific things that are taking place right now. It gets to point where you can’t ignore it. It’s hard to not think that this at the very least is a very critical time period. It’s heartbreaking this level of suffering and death. The numbers are staggering. It feels like one of those moments where we will never look at things the way they were before this. While it is tough see these images of famine and what has  grown into something that is far past a war. It’s so catastrophic people are asking themselves what’s really going on? People are being held hostage thousands are starving to death. Thing are very apocalyptic indeed. I think that one the thing that we really need to pay attention to is trajectory that we are on because things could possibly get even worse. We still have to find ways to cope through the darkness and despair. As I am watching videos of people discussing it. I feel like I am literally watching peoples brain break in the process. Nobody wants to have to talk about this kind of stuff. I wanted to do a long update about what I’ve been working on musically and my upcoming projects and plans, I but I cannot just not mention the worst humanitarian crisis by far in modern history. I also don’t think it makes sense to try to break as an artist while something like this is taking place. It feels like that moment in Star Wars when Padma looks around at the senate an says “so this is how liberty dies with thunderous applause”. Even then I am till hopefully that soon a diplomatic solution will come through and alleviate some of the human suffering. Society needs to learn from this. Because this is where hate ultimately leads to a very dark place. I don’t think either side see’s themselves as evil but now is not even the time to take sides and cast blame. Now is the time to stop this mass insanity. I could say a lot more on this matter but for now I am going to leave it there. I just briefly had to express myself on this matter. I don’t want anyone to think that I’m depressed or hurting because quite the contrary is true. My beliefs, spirituality and creating music helps me to cope and maintain balance. I do hope that you have your own coping mechanisms as well, you’re probably going to need them. I just want everyone to know that I’ve never stopped working on new music my catalog is growing ever strong, and I have a lot of really great songs that I am anxious for people to hear. I am optimistic about the future and the opportunities in front of me. Things happen in the time period that they are supposed to. I will never quit I will always do the best I can when I am able. I do plan on having an update on a much brighter and lighter note very soon. I wish you all the best have a pleasant evening.

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