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the Creative Process Prelude November update 🤔🙏🏾✍🏾👷🏽‍♀️👷🏾🕊️🕊️💙🛸🎹❤️🎻🌄🧡🌅🗿🚀🩶🩶 

So, what is up everybody? As always, I sincerely would hope that everyone and their loved ones are well. However, as I am not oblivious to current global events. I can see that things are not that way. Usually when I sit down to write these things, I try to be entertaining, crazy, wild and humorous. For now I feel it’s more appropriate to keep more of a serious tone. Just to be sensitive to the situation as numerous lives have been lost and countless other hang in balance. As it concerns what people refer to as the holy land and the ongoing conflicts, I am not going to discuss that here. For the reasons that I am not well versed in the history of conflicts in that region. I do monitor current daily news and events that occur in that part of the as I do every part of the world. As terrible and horrific as the events that took place on October 7th were. I’m so used to seeing so many violent acts in that region. It was not a complete shock to me. Due to the fact that violence only ever escalates. It doesn’t solve anything or make you safer or more secure. It does the opposite. Apply that equation to the situation and it’s not hard to predict the near future. As this point the entire situation is a complete catastrophe with a very dire bleak course of events set to play out soon. While I do have thoughts and feeling on the matter since I am a musician not a pundit. I would only share them in private with the few people that I trust. That’s a huge can of worms regarding politics, religion and philosophy that’s not for me to open. In regards to this time period on earth and what this sets the stage for. I believe I know what this is leading to. We will see as it unfolds before our eyes. To speak just the geographical location about that section of the world it is permeated by a powerful energy source that radiates from within the earth. From the study ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, there is a theory that they through use of some lost technology, had learned to harness this energy. It is thought that they would use for such tasks as to levitate the gigantic stone blocks in place that were used to construct the pyramids. With the use some sort ultrasonic frequency device. The locations of where these temples and holy sites are not random. If you were able look at them from high above the earth. You would find that they line up perfectly with each other in a very symmetrical pattern. Not only there but throughout the world, famous sites like this form a planet wide grid. Why and who would do such a thing? Well obviously, the patterns would only be notice those traveling through the sky with and aerial view of the landscape. One theory is that these sacred locations could have been used and as power up stations for spacecrafts. I have always thought of religion as some sort of loose translation of ancient science and knowledge that was in part lost in catastrophes that have occur throughout human history. That region seems to be a very strong nexus of this energy source. It stands to reason that from where military bases are being built that government are aware of this world grid and the potential power source. This could possibly be what a part of the origins of the conflict. One could stand to reason that human behavior is affected by this energy field and is amplified by the tension from the different factions that inhabit this part of the world.

To move on and touch on some other things. By now people who read this blog know that I like to talk about psychology in relates to personality types. The main thing that we’re studying here and proving along the way that human beings are incredibly predictable and never act outside of their personality type. In the past we spoke about Johnny Depp and Amber Herd. Since day one it would always be a competition between these two. With the goal to bring other on into complete submission. First let’s take all the recording they had of each other. What kind of couple does that? More specifically within those tapes the only time I noticed Herd being nurturing and affectionate, is when Depp was at a breaking threatening to slice himself. Only at that point did she ever seem nice and caring to me she also seemed to be very satisfied with herself. Then let’s analyze the last thing he ever said to her “You will never see my eyes again”. He stuck by that he never looked at her once. This is deep phycological warfare. This is just meanness on a whole another level. For a woman especially one like herd this would cut her to her very soul. Because this was once her husband the person she was closet to in the world. Even with the relationship long gone he can’t let it go he still has to get the W. These two people will never stop competing with each other. 

Ok now let’s move on to another profile. The very peculiar case of Casey White and Vicky White. We’ll call it bad alpha meets venerable beta. The first thing I want you to do is get out of the characterization that one personality type is either good, bad, superior or inferior to others, that is simply not true. Societies need all types to function and there are advantages to each, but I would to state that there good and bad versions of each. Which we will not discuss today. Instead let’s quickly glance at this case and see how prototypical these two are to their own personality type. For those not familiar Vicky White and Casey White are not related. Vicky was a corrections officer at the jail in Alabama where Casey was being housed serving 75 years in connection with the 2015 murder of his girlfriend. Vicky had worked at the jail for sixteen years her house was paid off and she was days away from retirement. Casey was able to use his natural leadership qualities to manipulate this lady to throw everything she work for her whole life and throw it all away. I would assume that she wasn’t getting any love in her life at the time she fell for him if ever. They developed a bond that he would exploit. It was revealed that they shared close to a thousand jailhouse phone calls. With that much conversation any two people are going to draw close to each other, but this wasn’t love I would call it infatuation meets the powers persuasion and manipulation. The day after she turned in her retirement papers it was revealed that she had sold her home for around one third of its actual value. While she was supposed to be transporting him to a hospital they disappeared together. Through this whole chain of events, she is displaying prototypical beta personality traits blindly and religiously following what she perceived to be strength. She took the path of least resistance up until the very end. It took about eleven days to track them down. In the end when the law closed in, she took the easy way out and shot herself. He just went to back to prison. If there was any type compassion or love there, he would have never let her throw everything away like that. Instead, she was a tool for his and disposal. There’s a lesson to be learned here. While it is human nature crave love and follow strong leadership. Beware of false prophets there are many malicious individuals who will manipulate your mind your emotions and throw you under bus the when it is convenient for them to do so.

This is actually an easy transition into our next topic. Due to that we’re going to talk about how positive it can be to good strong leadership and the story includes a good alpha. Of course, we’re going to talk about summer 2023 the summer of strikes. We have proof that democracy, unions and strikes work and can accomplish great things for working people. Let me say that I think that it is too bad that we live in the kind of society where you have to raise hell and kick people in the balls figuratively of course. For them to just pay you what you’re worth. We talked about this when it started the Writers Guild Union went on strike. It took five months but they won a historic new contract. Good for them, congratulations! Also, worth mentioning the auto workers union went on strike for three months. Lead by a guy who has to be in the running for Man of the Year. Mister I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse. The new working man’s Champion UAW president Shaun Fain. This shows you what’s possible when you elect and follow strong leadership, good alphas that actually have your best interest in mind. Let this be a lesson to all you working people who don’t appreciate the power of unions. You have to stand up and speak truth to the powerful. These people are going to go from making around $19.00 an hour which you can’t live on. To making $40.00 an hour plus all the added benefits and perks that they fought for. Life changing money which they deserve because their companies are making record profits largely due to their hard. When the working class wins, we all win. So, we need to be sure to keep this labor movement rolling strong.

The main reason I am writing you today is to check in with everyone let them know where I am at personally and business wise. I’ve mention this recently and just to say again. I’ve been spending my every free moment working creating new music. The one that is going to dictate my success in this field is the strength of my catalog. When I listen to my most recent work. The thought that comes to mind is that I can’t imagine a scenario where I don’t find success with this. The more trax I have the even better my odds so, it would be very advantageous to bolster my catalog as much as possible. One thing I did want to address is that I like putting new projects on January 1st. To start the year out right. Just to be clear this upcoming year I won’t be able to do that. The timing isn’t right and strategy hasn’t been fully flushed out. I’m not going for the cheap heat and just have a couple videos that go viral. I’m building the foundation of solid company and a sustainable business, that I can use even well in the future to put out my creations and make a living even as I get older. I have evolved into a music producer I play every instrument via a synthesizer and computer software. My newest traxx are complex with a lot of layers, sounds and breakdowns and they are long. They highlight and focus on production skills and musical instruments, new and different sounds that you’ve never heard before but will put your speakers or headphones to work. For now, that’s where I am at as an artist. The focus is not going to be on vocals. You won’t miss that though because those sections are filled in with other instruments that otherwise you probably wouldn’t be able to put in this style of music because it would drown out the vocalist. A lot of the things that I wanted to say to the world I’ve already said it. I mean, do you always need somebody telling you how to feel on every song? Sometimes it’s cool to just let the music speak for itself. It’s also a business decision, releasing instrumentals will allow to put out a lot more music a lot faster and it would be less costly for me as I am starting back up. Also, if I have an instrumental that really gains traction. I can always go back remake the song with lyrics. It’s my music and I’ll do whatever I want with it. But how do I turn this skill into a reliable career? Is what I have been contemplating for the last several months. I am happy to say that I have designed what I believe is going to be a successful new business model. Which involves using the popular short video formats for promotion and the premium content sites to turn a profit. I’ve re-imagined my style music for all those like urban sounds but are open to something new. This also a strategic business decision. Instead of competing in a crowded market create your own space and by pass competition. Of course, I can’t reveal my entire plan now. The reason I’m mentioning this because I want to collaborate with those who have already proven themselves to their own cyberspace institutions. Due to their dedicated followings and would like to offer their audience a new exciting style of premium media. These traxx are spanking new. When I first make a trac I don’t always know exactly what I want to do with that particular song and I have a lot of fresh tight music and I have a lot different ideas for projects. The more I listen the songs the more of an idea I have for what I want to do with it visually. One idea I have is merge the workout video and the modern music video into a new style of HD HQ premium media. I going to talk more the creative process and song construction for me in a later blog. As I go along, I feel like I’m getting better and growing as a producer. That’s another reason I have not been wanting to stop and focus on putting something out. I’ve been wanting to keep the momentum flowing. It won’t be too much longer before I’m releasing projects on a consistent basis. The last thing I want to address was platform. Now when I said I want to build my platform to publish my work on first. I don’t want you to think that I want to build this elaborate complicated project like cloning a social media site, because that’s not what I mean at all. I’m learning enough to construct an online utility with enough functionality for me to unload store and share my videos from my own server. As time goes on and I learn more coding I wouldn’t rule out adding more features and functionality to it. When I say my own server no, I don’t mean a server I have in my closet. There are companies that specialize in data storage. So, it’s not really that complicated of a project and I believe I have the people who can help me make it a reality. I also wanted to mention ( the people are trying really hard to be the place for creators to monetize their content and earn a descent living. Now that you can upload videos straight to patreon and bypass the big video hosting site. When I’m ready to put my previous videos back up that’s where my catalog will be located. Beside right here where you will always be able to find me that’ll probably be my homebase. Do you like me well enough to toss me 5-10 buxx a month? If I can 5000 people to sign up, I can promise you two tight music videos a month. Remember you if don’t hear from me its only due to the fact that I’m creating new traxx. Playing music is one of the best feelings you could ever have. I feel very blessed and I would never use this gift to spread poison or cause injury. I’m going wrap this one up everybody.  Yes, change is going to come I’m still in the process of transitioning this blog into a video and music blog. Thank you to all my supporters I think by now you already I know I Love you. Please stay safe and security minded. Even through dark times remember the future is still bright. Expect big thangs we are set to blast off soon!